resiliency blog
MAY is National Meditation Month!
What is your experience with meditating? While we have all heard about the amazing benefits of Meditating...many of us still find it challenging. To many, it feels like a 'job.' Saying to ourselves...How do I carve out the time, find a quiet space and then literally...
Amazing April
It's the HAPPY MONTH! Yup, beginning with April Fool’s Day it is National Humor Month ~ so let’s get our smiles on! Beyond that … it’s International Guitar Month, Keep America Beautiful Month, National Garden Month & National Poetry Month. Time to get outdoors,...
March Madness
As the old adage goes: March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb! Truer words could not reflect the throes of Winter that we have experienced in March 2021! March Madness reflects the NCAA Basketball Tournament excitement ~ especially since the Villanova...
February is Kindness Month
Kindness... You were expecting LOVE??? Hearts, Flowers, Cupids, Valentines??? But ~ what is the first expression of love? KINDNESS. Plain and simple. Noticing what exists in front of us and saying so ~ is KINDNESS IN ACTION! Sharing that sentiment makes both parties...
“J” is for January Joy!
This month we are all about carrying on with joy! Live in wellness. Nourish your body. Move more. Be mindful. Sing! Dance! Remember to BREATHE. Read less news, and more novels. Be Mindful. Enjoy life. And... create JOY with all that you do! Book: HYGGE The Danish Art...
April Arrives…
Yay! April has arrived ~ and with it hope SPRINGS! Yup, Spring comes to life with shoots and buds. Longer days and so much more… Pranks on April 1st aside … it’s as if a switch went ON when Daylight Savings Time began in March…and has now exploded into...