This month we are all about carrying on with joy!
Live in wellness. Nourish your body. Move more. Be mindful. Sing! Dance! Remember to BREATHE. Read less news, and more novels. Be Mindful. Enjoy life. And… create JOY with all that you do!

The Danish Art of Happiness by Britta Olsson
Carol received this book as a gift and is embracing its concepts along with its 30 Day Challenge. You will see evidence of this around the Studio. Join us!
Start with us TODAY, at #17, and carry on with your #1 on February 1st! The key components of HYGGE are togetherness, closeness, the ability to forgive, relax and comfort.
Oil: HOPE ~ for worldwide benefit, too!
This essential oil blend combines the fresh scent of Bergamot with Frankincense and sweet Vanilla Bean Absolute. It can be applied to the neck and wrists for a refreshing scent that stays with you throughout the day!
Ever purchase of Hope also contributes to a bigger cause—to help rescue precious children throughout the world. Your money will be donated to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation which supports efforts fighting against human trafficking.

Move: Morning Stretches
Say “Good Morning” to your body and mind in a healthy way, every single day! However… these stretches can be done ANY time of day, when you have the ability to lie down on a bed, or a mat, or the floor! Before you begin your day, before a walk, or before bed ~ to take all the kinks out of your body and mind.
Reminder: 20+ videos on our websites. Choices from 3 – 42 minutes! NO COST if you are receiving this newsletter. PASSWORD: Pilates!!!
New Years RE-Solutions
Forget a New Years resolution! How about RE-solutions? That is… taking who we are; how we are in our daily lives and discover new solutions for self- improvement.
Taking care of yourself with practical, mindful, meaningful and SIMPLE day in and day out practices that relieve stress and spread joy! This approach to self-care will emanate at levels that will astound you for the new year ~ and forever!
Here are 2 tips Carol learned on CBS SUNDAY NEWS to embrace as we RE-solve with intentions for self-improvement. Create beauty and joy from our flaws…
KINTSUGI ~ Japanese for ‘Golden Joinery’
As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of the object, rather than something to disguise.
PENTIMENTO ~ Italian for ‘repent’ with a positive twist. Shed light on our flaws as we repair them.
RE-solve; Repair; REJOICE!